Where is everybody? From Southall to Rickmansworth

So much is said about overcrowded canals in London. OK this is not exactly the hip part of the London canal network, but it is not far from London and within good transport reach. I definitely expected to share locks. But on my trip from Southall to Rickmansworth the canals were practically empty. I encountered not more than ten boats on the move in two days. In most areas, the canal bank was lined with boats, but no movement. Which meant I had to do most of the locks on my own (I've got beer stashed for bribes, but nobody to give it to). Ah well, I can use the exercise and since I changed the method to step off the boat before the lock and pull it in from the top I don't need to tackle slimy lock ladders anymore either. The first lock in Cowley was so leaky that I was not strong enough to open the gate. I had to recruit two blokes from the local pub to push on the gate with me. It's been the same already last year, do these locks not get repaired? As I was moored bef...