Time to return - Liverpool to (almost) Manchester

The journey out of Liverpool Liverpool was the destination for this trip, so eventually now it was time to turn around and start the long journey back to London. Time to do the Liverpool Canal Link in reverse. I won't bore you with a detailed description like on the way in. Suffice to say that it was still amazing. Did I mention that I loved this? On the way in my friend and I had very nice company in the locks, a couple from Essex with their young neighbour. As my friend had left, I was alone on the way out. In the locks I was paired with Mr. Grumpy Man and his dog. Me (enthusiastic): Isn't this amazing?! I loved it here. How did you find it? Mr. Grumpy Man: Nah, didn't like it much. Not dog friendly. I prefer the country side. Err, a little issue with the route planning perhaps? That was the end of the conversation. We did the next five locks in silence. Otherwise it was a fairly uneventful trip. I staid over in Litherland again to do my shopping. Now that I k...