The lofty heights of the Macclesfield canal

Once we had cleared the Harecastle tunnel the junction with the Macclesfield canal followed in less than a mile. Here my crew Carsten left me, so I was on my own again. Not so bad, because the Macclesfield canal has only one lock flight with 12 locks and otherwise lock-free cruising. This is going to be a rather long post covering the whole length of the Macclesfield canal. The junction with the Trent & Mersey is interesting as it isn't really a junction, but rather the Macclesfield is carried over an aqueduct, while the Trent & Mersey goes through locks below. Macclesfield going over the Trent & Mersey below Macclesfield Canal History The 26 miles long Macclesfield canal dates from the 1830s, so is quite a lot newer than the Trent & Mersey and most of the other canals I have been on. It is very obvious that canal engineering had progressed by then as the canal despite going through very hilly terrain is fairly straight without a lot of locks or tunnels...