Cruising in the times of Covid

The year 2020 was not going to be a major cruising year for me, but the Covid pandemic has thrown all my plans out the window as it has for so many people. So I decided to go and explore some waterways that I haven’t been to before instead. It will be a very different experience with all the hygiene requirements and social distancing. All canal attractions are closed. And NO PUBS! I really hope that later in the year at least some places will reopen. I am now making my way slowly up the Grand Union (so many locks …). I won’t bore you with more stories about that as I have written about the GU twice before. My plan is currently to turn off before Braunston at Norton Junction and go up the Grand Union Leicester line and from there on to the river Soar, then the river Trent. Fingers crossed there won’t be too much rain. I am terrified of rivers flooding as seems to happen quite regularly. The canals are not fully opened up yet after lockdown, but the rules are ...