Revisiting last year's journey - Coventry and Oxford Canal

I recently got feedback that it would be nice to visualise where the places are that I am writing about. So with my amazing freehand drawing skills I have scribbled onto a map so that you can see what I am talking about. I have added a map like this to all posts for reference. So here is the next leg of the journey. I am going south along the red bit: Right from the turn onto the Coventry Canal at Fradley Junction I thought I had a problem with either the engine or the gear box as the boat rattled like a tractor and I didn't make much progress. Checked the propeller but there was nothing on it. It took me a while to realise that actually I was dragging the boat along the bottom of the canal all the way. This canal urgently needs some dredging! The Coventry Canal is the first canal I ever cruised with Willum. He was previously moored in Kings Orchard Marina, which is only a few miles from Fradley Junction. When we first left the marina, we had the manager pilot us ...